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You might not spend a lot of time thinking about your floors, let alone your floor drains. I mean, most people just walk right over them without even realizing they’re there! At Right Way Plumbing LLC we, unlike the majority of the population, think about floors all the time. Your area floor drain is an important part of how your home is equipped to deal with water flow, you’ll find them in laundry rooms or some showers. The main function of an area floor drain is to avoid the catastrophic results that a burst water tank, or water main can wreak on an unsuspecting basement filled with photo albums, winter clothes and boxes of books. In this way, your floor drain may not be a commonly used part of your plumbing system, but it’s your first line of defense against flooding and water damage.

Your area floor drain is similarly structured to your sink, tub, shower or toilet. It’s considered a sanitary drain so it’s connected to the main water lines in your home. Because it’s not used frequently it can dry out, causing issues to the integrity of your pipes, as well as produce some really unpleasant odours. To avoid damaging your plumbing, and keeping your basement smelling fresh, Right Way Plumbing LLC recommends that you regularly give your thirsty floor drain a nice drink of water. At least once every six months pour around one liter of water into the drain to make sure it stays in tip-top condition.

Another common issue with floor drains that many Edmond homeowners come up against is when waste-water backs up your floor drain. Many modern homes aren’t equipped with the proper backwater valve installed in the sanitary main connected to their floor drain to insure proper protection from sewage winding up in their basement. Fortunately getting a backwater valve installed in your floor drain is a simple and inexpensive plumbing job that any one of our certified plumbers would be happy to do for you. We highly recommend taking a proactive approach to plumbing when we’re working with any of our Edmond clientele. By getting this simple piece of plumbing installed you can save yourself the hassle and cost of dealing with grey water in your home.

Your floor drain can be more susceptible to clogging than the other drains in your house, just by virtue of where it is. Most floor drains become clogged by debris that naturally accumulate in a room. They can wind up getting more than their fair share of dust, dirt and more when you’re sweeping around them. So although they may not be as frequently used as your kitchen sink drain, to make sure that you’re protected against basement flooding it’s important to regularly clean out your floor drains. You can clean an area floor drain in the same manner you would clean any drain, and it can make a world of difference in the long run. If you need help maintaining, improving or installing an area drain in your home and you live in the Edmond area, give us a call and one of our certified plumbers will be happy to assist you!

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